Selasa, 15 November 2016

Posted by Unknown
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At the center of every atom is a tiny powerhouse called a nucleus. Strong forces hold particles called protons and neutrons together inside the nucleus. For example consider the carbon atom…
In nuclear reactions, atomic nuclei split apart (fission) or join together (fusion), rearranging the forces between the particles and releasing huge amounts of energy called nuclear power. A nuclear power station harnesses the energy from controlled nuclear reactions in a reactor to generate electricity
 Fusion reaction
The joining together of two atomic nuclei is called nuclear fusion. Only light elements-those with few protons and neutrons in their nuclei-can take part in nuclear fusion reactions. At very high temperatures, two hydrogen nuclei smash together and form a heavier nucleus, releasing energy and expelling a neutron.
 Fusion reactions occur in the sun and the stars. Scientists have not yet made a practical fusion reactor…
This ring shaped experimental reactor is called a torus. It heats hydrogen gas to millions of degrees so that atomic nuclei can fuse together.
Fission reaction
When the nucleus of an atom splits apart it is called nuclear fission. Some heavy elements have unstable nuclei that can be made to split by bombarding them with neutrons. As the nuclei split, they release energy and more neutrons, which may strike other nuclei and start a chain reaction.
Fission reactor
The heart of a fission reactor is a tough steel container called a core. A continuous series of nuclear fission reactions, called a chain reaction, occurs inside the core and produces intense heat. A circulating fluid called a coolant takes the heat from the core to steam generators. The steam generators use the heat to convert water into jets of high pressure steam. The steam jets drive turbine engines linked to electricity generators.
ImageNuclear fuel rods
Most fuel rods consist of pellets or bars of the isotope uranium-235 held in an alloy casing. Uranium-235 has 235 protons and neutrons in the nuclei of its atoms.
Fast breeder
A reactor that makes or “breeds”, fuel for itself is called a fast breeder. During the chain reaction, some of the uranium changes into plutonium, which can also be used as a nuclear fuel.
Nuclear hazards
The waste from nuclear fuel is dangerously radioactive, so it must be dumped at sea or buried safely underground. Nuclear weapons test and accidents at reactors can cause long term health hazards by releasing radioactive material into the air.
Famous personality:  Enrico Fermi  
The Italian born nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi (1901-1954) left Italy in 1938 to live and work in the USA. In 1942, he built the first nuclear reactor in a disused squash court at the University of Chicago. Using this reactor, Fermi achieved the first nuclear fission chain reaction.
So friends by this we wind up the topic ‘Nuclear Power’.

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