Selasa, 15 November 2016

Posted by Unknown
No comments | 09.02
Concept: A thermometric property like length of a wire, resistance of a metallic and volume of a gas proportional to temperature.
In this article let X0, X100, Xt be the parameters at ice point, steam point and unknown temperature, respectively. So
t = (X0-Xt/X100-X0)1000C
Thermometer: The instrument used to measure the temperature is called is called Thermometre.
Classification: The classification is depending upon the physical property of the substance that varies with temperature.
1. Liquid Thermometres: These thermometers are based on the thermal expansion of liquids.
Principle: The increase in volume of the liquid in the glass bulb is directly proportional to increase in the temperature.
If l0, l100, lt are the parameters of length. Then temperature
t = (l0-lt/l100-l0)1000C
Range: For mercury thermometer upto 3000C.
2. Constant volume gas ThermometerThese thermometers are based on the thermal expansion of gases at constant volume.
Principle: The increase in pressure of a gas at constant volume is directly proportional to increase in the temperature.
If P0, P100, Pare parameters of pressure. Then temperature
t = (P0-Pt/P100-P0)1000C
Range: Constant hydrogen gas thermometers has different range with different bulbs used
With Platinum bulb: -2000C to 5000C.
With Porcelain bulb: 11000C.

3. Constant pressure gas thermometer: These thermometers are based on the thermal expansions of gases at constant pressure.
Principle: The increase in volume of a gas at constant pressure is directly proportional to increase in its temperature.
If V0, V100, Vt are parameters of volume. Then temperature
t = (V0-Vt/V100-V0)1000C
With air as a thermometric substance can be used to measure temperature upto 6000C.
4. Resistance Thermometers: These thermometers are based on the variation of electric resistance of metals with temperature. These thermometers usually employ platinum as the thermometric substance.
Principle:  The increase in resistance of a platinum wire is directly proportional to increase in its temperature.
If R0, R100, Rt are parameters of resistance. Then temperature
t = (R0-Rt/R100-R0)1000C
Range: -2720C to 12000C.
1. The resistances of a platinum resistance thermometer at lower and upper fixed points are 3.50ohms and 3.65ohms respectively. Then find the resistance of platinum wire at -370c? Ans: 3.55ohms
2. The readings corresponding to the ice and steam points for a certain pressure gas thermometer are 500cc and 545cc. If reading at certain temperature be 510cc then find that temperature? Ans: 22.220C

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